I just took my Sim on a two-day vacation where all she did was excavate in the daytime and hang out in the cantina at night. It comes very handy when you want to make your sim a self employed archaeologist without having to risk their life in the temple. This will allow you to get 5 or 6 items out of one site instead of 1 item. Once you get the Archaeology skill up to Level 6 you can make an excavation site. If you like adventures, you'll love it for that reason alone. Just want to enjoy all the Latin inspired content? This gamepack is packed with gorgeous stuff and nothing is going to bite you in neck if you just want to enjoy this pack's CAS and Build/buy assents. Just want to relax in an exotic location? Sweet, hire a villa, chill out, maybe visit the cantina in the evening to soak up the local culture. Want a full on Jungle Adventure? head to the first jungle gate (although things might go smoother if you pick up some supplies and the Selvedoradan culture skill in the marketplace first. You can choose how much you engage the dangers in the pack. As it has been stated the visits to the Jungle can be quite lucrative and I can see many legacy challenges starting off with a visit to the jungle. I am not certain about the replay value, I will have to see about that. It provided absorbing gameplay for the 6 or so visits I have made to the Jungle. The world is totally gorgeous and I like how they did the jungle the way that they have designed it gives a real sense that your sims are exploring the jungle. The CAS and build/buy is the best of any of the gamepacks in my opinion.