Fix for not being able to place custom characters in preexisting chunks in the level editor Fix for saved games from previous versions not loading into the next level Fix for NPCs sometimes not reacting to Boo-Urn and Gas if they are on the opposite side of a building where it is used Fix for NPCs not becoming Hostile if you pour oil in front of them in their owned property NPCs conducting an investigation (such as Supercops spawned by Alarm Buttons) will not pay attention to irrelevant noises until the investigation is complete Fix for Cops not becoming Hostile if Robot attacks NPCs with melee weapons Fix for final level getting stuck at 87% sometimes when Mixed-Up Environments mutator is turned on Big Quests can no longer require the player to Cannibalize/Enslave/etc.

Fix for “Death By” reading incorrectly when Electronic player is killed by a water spray Water sprays do not continue to damage players who have Electronic after death Fix for "No Effect" sometimes appearing when hitting Electronic NPCs with Power Sap Fix for Electronic players not being able to use Camouflage Fix for Cops not being able arrest other Cops properly when they are Guilty Fix for Error trait appearing on character sheet when possessing Goon Fix for certain objects not reacting properly when hit by Power Sap as multiplayer client Fix for Power Sap not taking into account when player has turned the Damage Other Players setting off Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities Player can no longer attempt to give Cyanide to their followers Fix for Ammo Dispenser not playing animation if player only partially refills a gun Fix for rare cases where Missions screen would stop taking input if entered while the screen was splitting in local coop mode Fix for secondary target that appears when using the gamepad moving around while the game is paused Fix for objects continuing to glow after being de-powered Fix for Robot sometimes appearing with incorrect head color in online multiplayer games Levels will still load if player chooses 'Exclude Standard Chunks' when using chunk packs, but there isn't enough variety Fix for cases where walls that the player placed into a chunk would not be saved properly Fix for the game assigning “Important” objects for quests that would be impossible, i.e.

Direction can be set for Conveyor Belts Fix for an Error item appearing if player assigns an NPC’s item slot to “None” Fix for cases where user-created campaigns and chunkpacks would not work in online games if they were in the Downloads folders Custom characters can be added to Chunks Level Editor and Workshop Support are now accessible to all players