She trusts you utterly- and imo romancing her creates the most important and impactful moment in her entire life- which is when she Trusts the only person she's ever truly trusted with her slave song. She, as always, is an incredibly invasive person and for better or worse learns everything about you after a pretty intense licking session- and there are no more secrets between you. It feels wrong to imagine her taking keen interest in someone- but it also feels guiltily right? Like maybe she's getting better. She is practically someone who can't really love or trust? Her life poised her in a way to be.

Sebille: As my favorite character, her romance feels- well. He's not begging for you to fix him, just followed a dark path and is now moving in a better way and you're his most trusted ally to guide him through the darkest days of his life. Bear hugs and camaraderie, touchy feely in general, rough hewn but like, not a "bad boy". Ifan is just sexy and it felt like ABOUT DAMN TIME. But she's always had a really nice relationship with you, plus you've seen her through her absolute worst at the point of it, so it's believable, her complete desperation and escapism. Couple things that were fucked up were like ShivaDF said, "You're my cure!". Lohse: Best female option for me for sure, felt too real and was really, really good. My personal ranking on all the romantic and sexual moments in the game: